Nuhoğlu İnşaat Catalog

Nuhoğlu Construction, who takes the charge of construction works of İstanbul Anatolian Side groves and parks beside landscaping of approximately 5.000.000 m² area up to now, has the pride to put into practice İstanbul-wide projects of many groves and parks. In the scope of the project; there are landscaping of all sorts of plants, green areas and peripherals and ready roll grass layout works including Şile Flag Park, Ağva 23 April Park, Çeşmeli Park, Kavala Park, Üsküdar Fethi Paşa Grove, Abide-i Hurriyet Anıtı Çevre Park, Fatih 50. Yıl Park, Hidiv Pavilion, İnönü Park, Pendik Gözdağı Grove, Pendik Indoor Swimming Pool, Moda İncirburnu Park, Küçük Çamlıca Grove, Beykoz Grove, Çekmeköy Park, garden of İSKİ Beşiktaş Branch. GROVE AND PARKS ACROSS İSTANBUL 103 102