The construction of the sewer system which took place in Osmaneli Bilecik
and is completed under the guarantee and quality of Nuhoğlu Construction,
includes the constructing of sewer network line by concrete pipes, sewer
cummulator line by concrete pipes, sewer parcel connection line, soil
stabilazation, sewer quantitive working drawing measurement calculation,
plottings and drawings, and also sewer network, receiver and collector lines
scannings. Public and environment health are taken into consideration in
maximum degree from the beginning of the project to the end. 42.300 m
network line, 6.036 m parcel connection line, 1.034 prefabricated examination
chimneys and 1.972 prefabricated parcel chimneys are constructed in total.
Gölcük potable water supply network which was badly damaged in
the devastating Gölcük earthquake in 1999, was redesigned precisely
by Nuhoğlu Construction based on the estimated population data for
2035 and was completed studiously and quickly in 2003. In this
project where high quality matearials are used, modern tecniques are
applied, human health is taken into consideration carefully in any
respect; there are 56 cm in diameter HDPE polyethylene pipes, 135
km long distribution network and also 350 km pipe installation varies
in diameter and feature. The project includes, 5 different wells and
2 dams that were used as water sources and a catchment station.
Water cummulated in 5 deep wells is pumped into the reservoir via 2
grouped lifting station main which is 4.091 m long in total. To feed
the network, there are two 500 m
and one 700 m
reservoirs. Gölcük
Water Network is completely renewed with this project and also 3.400
new subscribers are connected to the network.